Github vs Gitlab

April 15, 2022

Github vs Gitlab: The Ultimate Showdown

As a developer or project manager, choosing the right code management tool can be overwhelming. Github and Gitlab are two of the most popular options, but which one is better? In this article, we'll compare Github and Gitlab based on several factors to help you make an informed decision.

1. Popularity

Github is the more popular option, with over 56 million repositories and 40 million users. Gitlab, on the other hand, has over 10 million registered users and over 200,000 companies using it.

Winner: Github

2. Pricing

Both Github and Gitlab offer free and paid plans. Github's free plan comes with unlimited public and private repositories and basic features such as pull requests and issues. Its paid plans start at $4 per month per user and offer advanced features such as code owners and code scanning.

Gitlab's free plan comes with unlimited private and public repositories and basic CI/CD pipelines. Its paid plans start at $4 per user per month for additional features such as group-level access management and enterprise-grade security.

Winner: Tie

3. Features

Both Github and Gitlab offer similar features such as version control, pull requests, and issues. However, Gitlab offers some additional features such as integrated CI/CD pipelines, container registry, and Kubernetes integration.

Winner: Gitlab

4. Integrations

Both Github and Gitlab have a wide range of integrations with other tools such as Slack, Jira, and Trello. However, Github has more integrations available, and some of them are exclusive to Github, such as the Github Marketplace.

Winner: Github

5. Customization

Gitlab allows for more customization than Github, especially in terms of hosting on your own server, creating custom UI themes, and more fine-grained control over user permissions.

Winner: Gitlab


As you can see, both Github and Gitlab have their strengths and weaknesses. If you need access to some additional features like integrated CI/CD pipelines or better customization options, Gitlab might be a better option. However, if you're looking for more integrations or a more popular option, Github might be the way to go.

Overall, the choice between Github and Gitlab depends on your specific needs and requirements. Consider the factors we've discussed and choose the one that fits your project best.


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